Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Reflection After Class

What was the most useful or meaningful thing you learned from the discussion?
  • What I found to be one of the most interesting facts I learned was about Art Nouveau. I really liked seeing just how much influence from different movements went into Art Nouveau. Inspiration from the Arts & Crafts, Asian and going back to natural, ornate lines. New art movements are always in some way or another, influenced by previous art movements. I can relate this to my art and art today, artists are constantly influenced from others, and as we continue to learn more about Art Nouveau, Arts & Crafts, Victorian etc., I can take different aspects and use it to further my own art.

What questions remain in your mind after today's discussion about either Victorian or Art Nouveau?

  • Toulouse-Lautrec capturing the nightlife in Paris, seemed to me that that would be "risky" and "inappropriate". Were his works looked down at by the upper society because it was of courtisans? What did society think of what he was drawing?

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