Sunday, April 20, 2008

American Kitsch

The American Kitsch movement used bold geometric shapes and forms. It is what is now thought of as the designs in the 1950's. It was a movement that moved away from any movements that came before.

What was going on when the mondern art movement made it to America?

It did not become a major influence to American art until the 1930's. In 1913, mondern art was introduced to America in the Armory Show, however it was followed with public rejection because designers then were still focused on illustration. The modern art influence can be seen in American book design, business graphics and magazines (fashion and business editorials)

How was Tschichold's work see in America?

Tschichold's work was very different then what was there. It was met with both excitement and "turmoil".

What immigrants came to America?

Immigrants from France and Russia were coming to America during this time. Some were graphic designers that brought their own style. Designers include Alexander Liberman and Erte from Russia.

Describe how the posters looked in World War Two

Posters created during the second world war was designed to boost the morale of the American citizens, buying bonds and getting men to join the forces. This was done by the words and images they used and also bold colors, to get the public's attention.

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