Sunday, April 6, 2008

Images of Cubism, Futerism, Dada, Surrealism and Expressionism


Cubism is a new concept in visual composition that challenges the artistic traditions for the past 400 years. This differs from any other artistics ideas of that time by the new ideas of expressing space, the human figure and using a new perspective in geometry in their art. Cubism also experimented with perspective in having more than one perspective of just one object in their compostion.
Cubism artist, Paul Cezanne (1839-1906) refered to this new idea as, "treat nature in terms of cylinders, and the sphere and the cone" (Meggs 248). This movement was made famous by Pablo Picasso (1881-1973). The Spanish painter used incient African and Iberian art into his human form. Using also African geometric planes and colors and patterns in fabrics in his art. Picasso worked with George Braque in developing Cubism, their work was later identified as Analytical Cubism.

The Guitar Player
Cadaques, summer 1910
Oil on canvas
100 x 73 cm


The Futurism movement tested all realities of society at that time. It started with the publication of Manifest of Futurism in Le Figaro (a Paris newspaper)by Filippo Marinetti. His poetry shocked society, with exitement for the machines and war. Marinetti experimented with a wide variety of ink colors and typefaces. In one of his works, he would use multiple colors and over twenty different fonts. He challenged the "normal" structure of writing by not just having his words horizontal or vertical. He expressed different emotions or sounds by the typefaces he choose, for example, he used Bold-face for exuting violence. He motivated other poets to follow in his manner and challenge what is the norm. Futuristic works involve two concepts of that time, which include, speed and noise.



The Dada movement is the movement to absolute freedom; repelling against everything at that time. Dada artists seperated and rejected the violence (World War One) porgression in the Industrial revolution, high society elegance and faith in religions. Moving towards deconstructive and producing a negative feel with the art. Overall the artists wanted to shock their audience with their works.
Dada movement began in Switzerland in 1917 as literary works by Hugo Ball (1886-1927). The first painter in Dada was Marcel Duchamp (1887-1968) Duchamp was influenced by both Cubism (objects as geometric planes) and Futurism (ideas with motion and time). He is arguably most famous for painting a mustache on the Mona Lisa, which created a lot of controversy.

Marcel Duchamp, L.H.O.O.Q., 1919


The Surrealism ("super reality") movement started in Paris in 1924, inspired by dreams and worlds outside of this one. Surrealism is way of thought in that there are no techniques to it but a way of feeling. It was outside the normal reality that society knows. Surrealism differs from Dada, Dada had a negative tone while this is more about faith in the human spirit. A poet by the name of Andre Breton, was the founder of Surrealism and using dreams and the subconscious. Breton wrote about his ideas in Manifesto Du Surrealisme.

Rene Magritte
La Magie Noire


Expressionism started in Germany in the early 1900's. Expressionism was about emotions and response more than it was about depicting actual objects in reality. These artists were heavily influenced by social events, for example, World War One. Die Bruke and Der Blaue Reiter were two expressionist groups formed in 1905 and 1911 respectively.
The technical style of Expressionism included
-pronouncing of color, intense contrast
-pronouncing of lines, loose brush strokes and thick paints
-used posters, woodcuts and lithographs

Wassily Kandinsky

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