Thursday, April 17, 2008

Jan Tschichold, Laszio Moholy-Nagy & Typefaces

What did Jan Tschichold hope to accomplish with his book, DIE NEVE TYPOGRAPHIE?
He wanted Germany to move away from the traditional textura and symmetry designs to an asymmetrical approach with a functional design by using the most efficiant way (using machines)

What was the importance of Laszio Moholy-Nagy with photography?
He used dynamic scales and combined illustration with typography. He played with different perspectives, for example, pictures from a bird eye's view. Moholy-Nagy also played with light and space.

What were the importances of typefaces Times New Roman, Futura and Universal Alphabet?

Times New Roman
-Legibility small
-seriffs and short ascenders and decender
-One of the most widely used typefaces

-includes 15 alphabets
-four italics
-geometrical sans seriff

Universal Alphabet
-paved the way to innovative typefaces following it
-geometrically constructed

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